Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31st

Congratulations to me! I've made it a month! Only 11 more to go!

Actually, although I had an idea for my pic of the day much earlier on, I almost forgot to take it! Until my wonderful David reminded me, and my wonderful roommate Smeth was kind enough to help me out.

This is the view through our peephole. I thought it would be more fish-eyed, but I guess not so much. I like how Steph's eyes are all white. It's super creepy looking. The success of this experiment has led me to wonder what else would be interesting to see when I look through my peephole. This may become a thing. I might make it a thing. I'll have to think about it. These things take time. (Wheezy Waiter reference, anyone? And by "anyone" I mean the two people following this blog, of which only David knows what I'm talking about, and even then, only maybe)

Snow tomorrow! Woot woot!

No profound thoughts for today, sorry to disappoint. Actually, I'm not that sorry, because I'm doing this blog for myself, not you. So...there.

Sorry if you're offended.

But not really.

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