Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1st

No school today, and I'm certain we won't have any school tomorrow (though I'd be very glad to be wrong). Snow days are great, but having a bunch of snow days bunched together like this really stinks.

Feeling frustrated with the world? I suggest investing in a little dancing wind-up toy. My David gave me these three, on different occasions. I got the blue one first, and as soon as I wound it up and watched it dance, I couldn't help but smile. Sometimes when I'm really down or angry, I wind-up the toys and just watch them, and they make me happy.

It's interesting how such simple things can cause so much joy. I guess if small things--like a perceived slight, or not finding a parking space--can cause hurt and frustration, it makes sense that simple pleasures also exist that can turn one's mood around. It's sort of silly, if you think about it, how quickly our emotions can shift. It raises the question: to what extent are we in control of and responsible for our own emotional state?

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