Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18th

The first day of classes for the spring semester, and snow and rain caused them all to be cancelled. I don't think this has ever happened before. No, shh, don't even try to argue with me here. I'm a senior. I've been here awhile. I know things.

When we returned to the dorm on Sunday, our friend John came in with a gift for my roommate and me from him and his huskymates. It was this gigantic, strong spotlight. With it they gave us cut-outs of a chicken drumstick, a film strip, and the bat signal. We quickly realized they meant for us to use it to get their attention. Our windows face each other; their room is two floors down across the courtyard. Even with the lamps outside shining at twilight, the flashlight is so strong that it casts a beam into their room. This thing is amazing.

I'm going to try to post every day, rather than upload a few posts every handful of days like I've been doing. We'll see if I can keep this up!

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