Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16th

Today Southapalooza provided a loud din of music and crowds throughout the quad. Oozeball, UConn's traditional mud volleyball tournament, took place today. I played last year, which was enough for me. I just watched, cheered my friends on, and took pictures. At a quarter 'til one there was a flash mob. Members of the Glee club all gathered for a choreographed dance. It was pretty neat.

Later in the day, some of my friends played Double Dare. They had to answer trivia (they kicked butt, by the way), perform a physical challenge, and complete an obstacle course, and they WON (they actually may have had the record for the day of the fastest completion of the obstacle course as well!)! It was suggested that I take a jumping picture of them. It was cold, and a couple of them were wet, so I didn't want to make them pose again for a take two when the first picture wasn't quite perfect. But it's good enough. I loved seeing my friends so joyful. I'm going to have so many photos to look back on in the following years, and I will very much miss them.

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