Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31st

Someone set up swings by Mirror Lake this semester. Carved into one are the words, "Be Happy!" and into the other are the words, "You are awesome!" I have yet to swing on them, but just the fact that they are there makes me very happy.

Today the Agents publicized for the upcoming April Fool's Day show. We dressed in red, and used bright red lipstick as war paint to mark stripes on our faces. We stood outside the Co-op handing out flyers for the show, and getting passing cars to "Honk if you like to laugh!" We told people to "Save your sense of humor!" Most people were cheered by our efforts. Almost all cars honked at us, and we made many people smile. It was so much fun.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30th

 This is one of the new buildings being built on campus. Yesterday I saw the cranes in action for the first time, and it was really exciting. For me at least; my friend Cameron wasn't nearly as enthralled. It's interesting to me, how campus is changing as I come to the end of my undergraduate career. These new buildings should be finished by 2012, but I will never have a class in them, although I was here when they were just little holes in the ground surrounded by obnoxious blue-tarped fencing. Things change, and it's difficult sometimes to find a balance between looking hopefully toward the future, and looking nostalgically at the past. Both of these choices, however, mean you're missing out on looking around you at the present.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Yi-yon who?
It's me, Yi-yon. Cuddle meeee!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29th

OK, new thing I'm gonna try: posting two pictures a day until I make up for the number of pictures that I have failed to post. This does not mean the number of DAYS for which there is no picture, but the number of pictures that would be necessary to finish the year with 365 photos (some days I posted two pictures). According to my count, I'm missing 18 pictures. So I will need to post double pictures for 17 more days, which would mean, if I don't skip any days, I will be doing this until April 15th.

Yesterday was Student Appreciation Day, a.k.a. Vote for USG Reps and We'll Give You Free Stuff Like Shirts and Corndogs Day. VURWGYFSLSCD is so much more eloquent and uplifting than SAD, don't you think? These are the two T-shirts that I got. One is the standard "Got Spring?" T that was handed out to everyone after voting. The other is a wicked sweet UCTV T-shirt that Steph, Ali, and I each won after naming seven UCTV shows. In case you were wondering, yes, we did have to look them up...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21st

I kept seeing statuses about snow on Facebook, but never bothered to open my shade and look outside. I assumed it was just flurrying, but then my roommate came back and told me otherwise. She opened the shade, and I could see the snow swirling down to the white roofs and white ground below. Just the other day, people were out in sundresses! Time to break out my winter coat again. It's still snowing, but I don't think you can tell from the picture. It's supposed to change to rain this afternoon. Yuck.

March 19th

Rock the U 2011! Nick Steven's band was one of the acts, and they performed a cover of the song Down (Baby are you down, down down, down, down?) with Aaron featuring. It was freaking amazing, and it made me so happy. All around, it was an excellent concert, and I had a fantastic time.

March 18th

This is a comforter on my bed. It is really ugly, but it is my favorite blanket right now because it is so heavy and warm and wonderful. My aunt made it long ago, and it belonged to her cat. Her cat died this past year, so she gave the blanket to my mom, and then I sort of took it over. Oh man, on a cold winter's day, I can just cuddle up on the couch with this thing and do homework very, very happily.

March 17th

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This day was so busy, but all around, it was fun. Any excuse to wear green is a good excuse for me! OK, it's bed time now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16th

I love Willow Tree angels. I have seven of them. I think they are beautiful. This is the angel of harmony. I have it set in front of a picture of me and Pei-Pei that was taken at my high school graduation party. That seems like so long ago. I can't believe that my UConn graduation is less than two months away. The time seems to have flown by, and I am getting ready to embark on the next adventure in my life. Past and present and future flow peacefully together now for me, in beautiful harmony. I can't wait to hear the rest of the song.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13th

This is my Buzzie. John calls him Mr. Belvedere, and points out that, "He doesn't like most things." He is a fine puppy dog, and he rules over the other three dogs who are much more canine-like. He has a fluffy tummy, and he's also kinda chubby. When he runs, his tummy swings back and forth and sometimes causes him to stumble.

March 12th

Over break I have failed miserably to keep up with this blog, but now that I am back at school, things should go better...I hope. Anyway, I'm posting TWO pictures today to make up for my failure over break.

I went out to dinner with David's family to celebrate his upcoming birthday. We went to the dollar store, and I saw this great detergent. The brand is "Totally Awesome," from LA. You may have to enlarge the photo to see the words, but it's there, I promise. I wonder who sat down to think up that name.

Afterward, we went to Petco just to look around, and we saw this little guy fast asleep with his feet up in the air. Too cute.

March 10th

David and I went bowling. $10 dollars each for unlimited games Thursday nights, including shoes! Each of us at one point got two strikes in a row, and we got many spares. Neither of us is super great at bowling, but we tried. It became all the more fun when we decided to work together for a high score rather than compete. Our highest combined score was 231...w00t!

This is a picture of one of the bowling balls. It is very surprised, and it has a black eye. I thought it was adorable and hilarious.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 5th

This is Ender's Falls in the winter time. John, David, Pei-Pei and I went hiking to see some beautiful artwork in nature.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3rd

I put these decorations up on the guys' vent before Valentine's Day. They are made of neodinium magnets. I was quite proud of my accomplishment.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd

Steph made two of these snowflakes and hung them in our common room way back before winter break; and they're still here, mostly, I think, because they are in an unobtrusive place, and they are really neat. Steph says they were really easy to make, but I tend to doubt that. I mean, look at it. C'mon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st

A new month! I've made it two months! Only ten to go! Oh boy...

I received a letter from David last week, but only today did I realize how he had addressed it. Yes, that middle name IS "Snookem Pie." And no, he doesn't actually call me that, which is what made the discovery all the funnier. And if you're reading this, no, David, you can't start calling me Snookem Pie. Sorry.

February 28th

I could hardly see outside the window this morning, it was so foggy. Fog makes everything look so ghostly. Depending on how you look at it, it can either be considered really dismal or really beautiful. Guess which one I chose?

Walking through such thick fog, one can imagine the world being erased on all sides, fading away to white, a new easel ready to be painted.

February 27th

Thursday night I came down with a fever and chills, and I crawled into bed at 5:30 because I felt so miserable. Lucky for me, Friday I did not have class, and David was up visiting, so he took me home Friday afternoon. There's no place like home when you're feeling really sick; it's almost something to look forward to. Almost. The flu sucks no matter what, though. Given that I was so sick (and forgot to bring my camera home), I did not take pictures Friday or Saturday.

This is a picture of a haiku I made a while back using the magnets on Steph's whiteboard. Good job, me.

I am a mountain
Every cup of you is hot
Make my day coffee

I'll let you decide whether this poem is addressed to coffee, or asking that my day be transformed into coffee.

February 24th

Thursday I went with Cameron to get tickets for ourselves and Steph to see Pride and Prejudice on Sunday. Outside the Jorgensen there is another one of these strange statues. This one is a shrug at the uselessness of intellect. I can't decide whether it has no place, or a hilariously necessary place, on a college campus. Why think?

February 23rd

Admittedly, I did not take a picture today. This is one from Monday's hike, but it's too beautiful not to share. UConn sure has some pretty places.