Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 12th

Marcia, Rachel, Bryce and I went to hike Mount Monadnock today. We took some of the lesser traveled trails up the other side of the mountain. At one point, the trail was surrounded by these bushes of white flowers. It was very beautiful.

The top of Monadnock is bare because a fire stripped it of all trees decades ago. The entire mountaintop was on fire one night, and none of the newspapers reported it. People have carved their names up at the top of the mountain. Here you can see "LAMBERT 1880". Over 130 years ago, this name was carved. I wonder if Lambert ever thought someone would be reading his name so many years into the future. It's difficult for me to imagine someone finding a trace of my life over a hundred years from now, and long after I'm gone.

I took my new video camera up the mountain with me, and created a video of our hike. The footage is kind of shaky, especially in the parts I've sped up, but you get a sort of feel for what Monadnock is like. Check it out HERE!

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