Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23rd

Colonial Williamsburg! Steph and John in the stocks, Molony overseeing it all.

Further down is a weird, curvy tree I saw. Saying that makes it sound a lot less interesting than I thought it was when I saw it...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 18th

My birthday! And what a lovely birthday it was, too. I spent the morning working on a secret project, and in the evening I went out to dinner with my family to Longhorn Texas Steakhouse which was fabulous. Thursday my David is taking me out to get our favorite pizza at Little City Pizza! This week just gets better and better.

For Mother's Day, my brother got my mom a bouquet of red roses. They've begun to wilt, and have turned a really brilliant magenta color. It's like they're glowing from the inside.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16th

In my other blog, I was challenged to write a song about my love for feet. I HATE feet, so it was quite the challenge. Also, I had to accompany myself on guitar, which I don't play--that was all part of the challenge. I actually had a lot of fun with it, and made the song into a music video. In my garage, there is a little footprint in the concrete, my footprint from when I was very young. I was able to incorporate that into the video as well.

May 14th

Regan and Josh's wedding! The church was beautifully decorated, the wedding and reception were both wonderful, and I had so much fun! The reception was held in Jackson Hall. Even the basketball hoops were covered, and well-disguised. The guys started dancing, copying a bizarre dance Mouseboy created. I wish I had gotten a picture of the bride, because Regan in her lovely dress, glowing on her wedding day, was definitely the most beautiful thing I saw.

May 12th

Marcia, Rachel, Bryce and I went to hike Mount Monadnock today. We took some of the lesser traveled trails up the other side of the mountain. At one point, the trail was surrounded by these bushes of white flowers. It was very beautiful.

The top of Monadnock is bare because a fire stripped it of all trees decades ago. The entire mountaintop was on fire one night, and none of the newspapers reported it. People have carved their names up at the top of the mountain. Here you can see "LAMBERT 1880". Over 130 years ago, this name was carved. I wonder if Lambert ever thought someone would be reading his name so many years into the future. It's difficult for me to imagine someone finding a trace of my life over a hundred years from now, and long after I'm gone.

I took my new video camera up the mountain with me, and created a video of our hike. The footage is kind of shaky, especially in the parts I've sped up, but you get a sort of feel for what Monadnock is like. Check it out HERE!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 10th

I caught a fairy in my clothes hamper! Or maybe the way the sun was shining through my window and onto my hamper made it look like it was lit up from the inside.

May 9th

The flower garden at home is all a'bloom. The grass is unmowed, the plants are ungroomed, and a section of the fence is still down from weeks ago when a large branch fell through it. To some it may look messy, but to me, it is beautiful. I imagine it's some secret place where no one has been in quite while, so everything is wild and overgrown. I think it's lovely.

Mogley gets a haircut when summer comes. Our big fluffy black dog becomes a slim, silly puppy again when he comes back from his "puppy cut." This maybe isn't the best picture, but I thought he looked awfully cute. His ears stick right out from his head, and the hair on top of his head stands up.

May 6th

Friday morning I went on a 16.7 mile bike ride with Cameron, Steph, and two Joeys. I missed a turn and biked past this little cemetery, where purple flowers grew around the old graves. It was so beautiful, I stopped my bike to get a picture. I had to turn around and bike a little ways, uphill, to get to the turn I had missed, but if i hadn't missed it, I never would've seen this.

That afternoon we had a "Shippee kids graduation photo shoot," at which everyone from Shippee, as well as honorary Shippee kids, and some extras who we just liked as well, gathered to take some photos. I will really miss this group, but I know I will see many of them again. I had a wonderful time at UConn, thanks in great part to these amazing people. Time for the next adventure.

May 5th

Campfire! One more before the year ends, complete with a night hike and lots of s'mores. Steph looks super excited in the first pic. I like the second pic because it looks artsy to me. Without a flash, the shutter speed has to slow down to take in enough light. Thus, things look blurry, because they move. Or, well, technically I'm the one, holding the camera, who moved more than everything else did. But whatever. it's cool. Anyway, we didn't get lost at all that night, which is a big plus! As far as I know, no one was miserable, so that's also a good thing. I had a great time. It was a great event to have as the year came to a close.

May 3rd

Joey took the seniors out to Bidwell Tavern for wings, nachos, and a beer. Because he'll no longer be our RUF minister, since he's moving to plant a church in VT, he can drink with us. A good time was had by all. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 1st

Mayday, Mayday! And what a wonderful day it was. John, Joey and I went to the Trolley Museum in East Windsor. It was so much fun. John had a brochure which he'd picked up from the Big-E months ago, and we decided to go check it out. I thought it would be interesting, but I never expected to have as awesome a time as I did! We got to ride an old trolley, and check out lots of other old trolleys and firetrucks and buses. I made a video of our travels. You can watch it here!

April 30th

On Saturday, the Agents and people from other performance groups and friends of people in the aforementioned categories gathered to pull off the Tour of a Lifetime, organized by Scott, assisted by Aaron. At each stop one of the tour groups made, we had some crazy thing happening. At the infirmary, a bunch of zombies stumbled out the door and away into campus. Later in the tour, we had an epic battle between a pirate and zombie champion. The pirate won, and the zombies scattered. I think the tour group was very amused, and very confused. It was so much fun, though, for us, and hopefully for them as well.