Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11th

I don't usually pay attention to the ads that pop up on the side of my screen...but sometimes one will catch my eye, and it's just too good not to share. I wonder if my last post about critters was what drew this ad to me...

July 10th

We visited our family friends the Novis today. They have lots of critters in their backyard. Here are bluejays, a squirrel, and a chipmunk.

July 9th

Today I climbed Mt. Monadnock for what must be the tenth (if not 11th or 12th) time. It was fun, and beautiful as always, and I was with some people who hadn't climbed it before...but I think I'm now ready to take on a new mountain. Thank you, Monadnock; it's been real.

The first photo is a picture of the summit taken from Bald Rock. The second photo is of John and the Molony brothers eating lunch on Bald Rock. Molony brought his rebel Confederate flag to use as a picnic blanket.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th

Fun times at the fourth of July party! We went to Enders Falls for some swimming and ledge jumping, and hung around my house playing badminton, bocce, and croquet, as well as just sitting around and talking and eating and what-not.

July 3rd

Batman and Robin...Hood.

June 30th

I forget what I was trying to get a picture of, but I'm pretty sure it was a sign before this one...but this is all I got... It's still kinda pretty, the bright orange against the grey rain.

June 28th

 Biking! The trails become dirt in Westfield, MA. Later, David and I went to get a movie. This looked like a spin-off of Kung Fu Panda movie. I couldn't get the pic to upload straight in this blog, however....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June 21st

I had to go pick up John and David from Avon because they biked there are were too tired to bike back. John pointed out that many cars have silver moustaches, I saw a clothing store for unique women (such as ones with both arms on one side; you know how it is), and when we went to the Gran-Val Scoop, I saw a very blunt sign about the uses for rabbits, and John tried to feed his cell phone to numerous animals.

June 20th

Mogley hates vegetables. We gave him dinner, and he usually cleans his bowl, but tonight, this is what was left. He ate around every green bean, and even licked them clean, but would not eat them.

June 18th

I went biking wit John, and we came across this turtle in the middle of the trail. John said it was probably dead, but I thought it was alive, so I moved it to the side of the trail with a couple sticks. Sure enough, when we passed by on our way back, the turtle was gone, so it must've gotten up and walked away!

June 17th

For the internship, I had to read a book called Asking. The end of the books said the author lived in Northwestern CT, so I decided to send him a copy of my support letter, and included this note. Unfortunately, the letter was returned, with no forwarding address. I guess they moved; the book was written in 2002 or 2003, so it's very possible