Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July 23rd

 Views of a huge spider web outside my uncle's house.

July 22nd

 The terrifying Medusa-duck on my grandma's porch, and a picture of a Foodle, my uncle's fun poodle.

July 20th

View out the window of the plane, heading down to Florida.

July 19th

Saw this sign in a bagel shop David and I visited. How true.

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11th

I don't usually pay attention to the ads that pop up on the side of my screen...but sometimes one will catch my eye, and it's just too good not to share. I wonder if my last post about critters was what drew this ad to me...

July 10th

We visited our family friends the Novis today. They have lots of critters in their backyard. Here are bluejays, a squirrel, and a chipmunk.

July 9th

Today I climbed Mt. Monadnock for what must be the tenth (if not 11th or 12th) time. It was fun, and beautiful as always, and I was with some people who hadn't climbed it before...but I think I'm now ready to take on a new mountain. Thank you, Monadnock; it's been real.

The first photo is a picture of the summit taken from Bald Rock. The second photo is of John and the Molony brothers eating lunch on Bald Rock. Molony brought his rebel Confederate flag to use as a picnic blanket.